Wednesday, July 15

last post

So, it's time for the last post on this blog. I want to say thank you to all how has commented, read and viewed. Thank you for all you inspiration and see you soon!
I finish off with a totally random picture and to tell you that Emma was the winner of my pillow case from the last post! See you out there!

Thursday, July 9

it's not you, it's me

The blog and I are breaking's not you, it's me. Perhaps I'll come back or I'll start a new but this is it from me. I'll still be on flickr, facebook, twitter and continue reading your blogs.

Before I leave you I wanted to show you this pillow case I made the other day when it was raining. I like it a lot but it doesn't fit into my home. Is there someone out there who would like to trade it for something? Or if nor yo can have it. Leave a comment here and I'll draw a winner next week on tuesday. So, I will be back once more! Have a great summer and see you in the bloggospere!

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Saturday, July 4

our kitchen

A week ago I took some pictures of our kitchen when it was cleaned and fresh :-) here's a litte collage. Black, white wood and yellow!
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