Tuesday, April 29

time for both coffee and tea

A place for both coffee and tea in our new kitchen

The café part of the kitchen finished!

Monday, April 28

for the love of apples

It is time to re-open my etsy!These apple pincushions are going to be in the shop by June! ( and in a swap in May)
A good carry-with-you-project! :-)

Sunday, April 27

white buttons...

I spent Sunday morning looking through boxes with buttons and knitting needles at a local flea market. When I came home I sorted them by colour: These are my favourites at the moment:
This is for a white Sunday...

Monday, April 14

Seven things about me that you didn't know

I've been tagged by Gunnel and I think I'll do the same as she did, here's seven things about me in pictures:

1. they say that me and my younger brother are very alike?
2. On April fool's day 2006 me and Mr. J fooled our family and friends that we got married just after moving to New Zeeland, here's our fake wedding photo.
3. When we lived in New Zeeland we lived on the 18th floor for six months (thats me down there between the cars)
4. I collect beautiful tea boxes from a brand called Kusmi tea
5. I'm a list maker. I cannot live without my lists, without them I'm lost...
6. I'll take a coup of tea and cake over any food= I'm a cake person
7. This comes as no surprise; I love buttons!

I won't tag anyone particular but if you feel up for it do the same thing over on your blog and leave a comment here so I can read seven things about you!

Sunday, April 13

Lovely blogfriends!

A couple of weeks ago I won a give-away over on Laurence blog be crafty be happy
This is what I got!
A beautiful pendant and this lovely fabric!
and this egg decorating book!
I had forgot all about the give-away so when a saw the big package from the post-office I was more than thrilled :-)

Thank you so much, L!

Wednesday, April 9

before and after

The kitchen before:The kitchen after:
The apartment is slowly coming together

Tuesday, April 8

a sunny Ceramic Tuesday

Eggs or just lumps in a bowl
Peas on steel wire to be put down in those pots with growing veggies?
Reading in the sun (taken by Mr J from the second floor)

Monday, April 7

I have no more words

I haven't been a good blogger lately and that is not because I don't feel like blogging any more.
O no, more like I don't have enough hours of the day to do all the things that I want to do! I'm sure you all familiar this problem. I'm therefore contemplating only having pictures here for a while until I manage to catch up on life. So, for a couple of weeks this will be a photo blog. I hope that you'll still come by and sometimes even leave a comment. I'll be back with words on my thoughts again when it's closer to summer and my summer break:-) so, with those words I'll leave you with some new picture of the place slowly coming together:

Talk to you soon!


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