There has been a storm here in the south of Sweden this weekend. While my boyfried was stuck at his parents house in another part of Sweden, I spent the weekend at my mothers sewing machine. I made us some new kitchen curtains and a matching shopping bag in a fabric from IKEA. This was my first time sewing in a long time and I'm really pleased with the result.
I like the graphic fabric and it was not expensive so if I grow tired of it, I can always make some new.. :-)
I also made something out of the fabric I showed you in another post. I made a cover for my note pad which also turned out great! It was really easy and I'm thnking of doing a smaller one for my sketch book as well. If I can, I will post a tutorial on how to make one! I got the inspiration to make it from a visit to this store
antropologie in New York. We don't have that store in Sweden, not even in Europe I think. There is so many nice things here. So, if you don't know what to do one day, go Vvisit the webbsite!

I'm really pleased with this. It will be great to have when I'm at Uni and I will have something nice to look at when I'm no I'm never bored at uni ;-)
Have a creative day!!