Theses last couple of weeks I have been learning how to crochet. I did learn it once in middle school but forgot... I'm not getting any younger...Now I borrowed a crocheting book at the library and started to crochet circles! Every time we see a film or just watch TV I crochet and crochet and crochet...Now I don't know what to do with the very colourful circles!?

This is the book that helped me and I had some help from my mother as well...

This is some of the circles that I have been doing. They look nice as table decoration?!

J thinks it's fun to take pictures of me when I look so concentrated and focused! I just think I look angry! ;-)
Have a good day!
Du är fiffig! Man kan ha rundningarna till underlägg för tekoppen eller något liknande, hade varit fräkt. Ser att ni har din brors lampa men sen även lite annat nytt i lägenheten, eller är det Jans saker? Snyggt är det i alla fall!!
Vad roligt att hitta hit! Du håller på med så fina saker... Hit kommer jag komma tillbaka! =)
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