I've been tagged my emsanpemsan: So here comes 16 facts about me!
1. At the moment I feel like going in winter hibernation...staying in and reading books and decorating magazines sounds good to me!
2. I love my job at the moment!!
3. Even though I soon will turn 28...I love celebrating my birthday!! (11th of February)
4. I have a sense of humour well adapted to primary school (or maybe even kindergarten ;-)
5. I love Baileys (I am having a little glass as we speak)
6. I've been blogging for two years and now I don't have the inspiration to continue...
7. I love flickr!! Who wouldn't!
8. I live with the love of my life...
9....and together we have the messiest apartment...
10... but we love life like this!
11 My family is important to me
12 I have a father in heaven and a mother on earth
13 I'm thinking of starting another blog...
14 I have a cat named after the great painter Picasso
15 I have a chines sigh tattooed on my shoulder which means brush
16 We'll see about the blogging thing...