Tuesday, April 28

red summer shoes and plans

So, today I haven't been sewing. Only been running errands to the bank and other less fun places. But I also had some time to buy me some new summer shoes and that was a a lot of fun!

But last Tuesday I was sewing and I haven't had the time to show you that yet! I had my first try on a pocket book cover. This summer I plan to read a lot of books, mostly in English (tell you more about that an other day) So, I thought that a pocket book cover would come in handy!

I still have some minor changes to do and some straight sewing to learn...can you see the seams? But there will be more of these!
We'll be going away tomorrow for a funeral and I'll be back this weekend again. Take care!

Wednesday, April 22

Ceramic Wednesday

A new heavy lady to the collection!

Next Monday I'll be having my last ceramic class for this semester . I know I've been really bad with showing the stuff this year too.I still have some things here in my home that I have to photograph and show you, but to be honest, I haven't been very pleased the the things this year either. I have discovered some new techniques and I'll show that over the upcoming weeks. Here is something I've done before and something that I'm mostly pleased with. It's my heavy ladies!
Enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 21

thoughts over a cup of tea

Today is Tuesday and I don't have to work, the weather is almost summer like when looking from inside my window. In less than ten weeks I'm going to be free for the summer!
The sensible girl in me, says that I should plan my summer and make goals. Sit down and make a list over things I want to be done and see if I have realistic plans or not.
But today, there is no place for that girl! All I want is to be free, to sit by the computer all day, bake some lovely chocolate muffins and eat for lunch and dinner! Take the bike to the beach or take the cat for a walk in the park. Just do the things that I feel like doing without a sensible plan!
Imagine what a cup of tea and summer-like weather can do to you!

Saturday, April 18

prepping from some swaps

For a long time I have thought that I should stop this swapping thing.
It can be rather expensive and no one in IRL understand why I do this. But it's addictive! And it's when I make these cute little parcels that I come up with some really great ideas for my own crafting. The apples for example, are an idea from the fruit swap last year.
Here are my two current swaps, Isew and greens. For the Isew-swap I made three different coloured swap parcels with the content almost the same. And with the greens swap and doing a traditional parcel. It's not ready yet, I still have to get some more things.

Do you swap?

Wednesday, April 15

I've been sewing and not showing

I've been sewing and not showing you. That's because I haven't really had a plan with my sewing, just been doing it for the fun of it!
So, I made new place maths for the kitchen, they are matching my fabric wreath
And with some inspiration from SouleMama, I made a bread bag lined with linen. I gave the bag to my mother and she have tried it. It works better with a linen bag, it keeps the bread crispier!

While I took the pictures he's been sleeping like this all the time...
Lastly, I made these easy bags to contain all my bits and bobs here in my craft room
Now I'm working on a free pattern from Wee Wonderfuls, it's going to be a book bag. We'll see when I show it here! Have a good Wednesdays!

Monday, April 13


Originally uploaded by Nifty loves crafting
Easter this year has been both nice and sad. Sad, in the way that Mr J lost his grandfather this week. But when something sad happens you should surround yourself with people you love, and we did!

The pictures is from Easter at my mothers and I have happy new from that side of the family. My brother is going to have a baby in September. I'm going to be an aunt! That means a lot of baby crafting!:-)

We are going to enjoy our last day off from work and the nice easter weather! Hope you do too!

Wednesday, April 8

A little road trip

From Spa we took a little road trip in the south of Sweden, Skåne or Scania. We went from Ystad, took an icecream in Simrishamn and had lunch in Kivik.
My Mr J looking very pleased with himself and his first icecream
The streets of Simrishamn, very picturesque
and they have very lovely decorated street lamps! I was very impressed! Could it be a Swedish version of these; knittas.
more streets of Simrishamn...
and last, me looking very pleased after a good lunch at Kärn huset!

Tuesday, April 7

A nice Spa- weekend

My Easter break started with a Spa weekend at a spa called Ystad Saltsjöbad here in the south of Sweden. Between all the swimming and relaxing I also had a facial. Mm, nice!

This is what I looked like....
The weekends outfit
The view from our room, that we never spent any time in...
So nice and calming to be away having great food and wine and a nice relaxing experience


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