Saturday, February 2


OK, we have now moved out of the old apartment. So we only have one apartment to think about. But the new place still looks like a mess...we now have one room where we have the computer, a bed and it's all clean. When you open the door out to the rest of the apartment you are meet with a miserable sight and on top of that, everything is covered with building dust!
well, I guess we'll survive this:-)

Here's the calender spread for February that I made for my mother as a Christmas gift. I'm hoping to do more blogging this month than I did in January. Take care all you nice people out there!


Miss*Laurence said...

That reminds me to make a calendar too, I've been posting notes on the fridge all month instead!
Still, now you can arrange your new place as you like.

Anonymous said...

Hello my neigbour! :) I found your blog today and I'm going to link it to my blog. Nice to read what happens in your life.
We are moving too at wednesday. It's a little bit mess here too!


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