It's spring break here this week and I have a whole week off work! This is the week that I starting to blog again :-)

To be sure that I will make the most out off my free time, I make lists! With a little box so that I can tick off the things that I do. It's O so satisfying!

This renovating it not always so messy and tedious. Choosing the colours for the walls is fun. This is the colour palette that inspires me at the moment. I also made
this mosaik over at flickr! I think it's the spring feelings that are taking over my mind!

I set up this temporary desk in my messy crafting room. The board is resting on two chairs. Here I'll spend most of my time this week, crafting...O I have missed that!
See you soon!
Ser på din lista att du också går i restankar! Kan behövas en paus då aoch då! förstår du har fullt upp med nya huset och jobb.
Cecilia, love the mosaic, you're right better light and new growth somewhat changes our colour awareness. Half term is finished here, but my youngest is still at home for a day - he's had an allergic reaction to plasters!
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