Thursday, March 29

Going away!

We going away this weekend to visit J:s parents. It's a three hour train trip and I'm planing to bring my knitting and lots of podcasts! It's the first time I'm bring the knitting out in public and maybe I'll inspirer someone else to knit in public...:)
We are probably going to visit some craft fairs and some good fabric shops! I'll bring the camera and show you the nice stuff I'll be looking at and maybe buy!

This is something I'm working on at the moment but I haven't been able to take a good picture of the finished work. I'll give you something to look forward to on Monday!

Have a good weekend!

Easter is coming up soon

Since Eater is coming up soon and we are going away this weekend so I better get the Easter decorations up before it's to late! This year I'm not making anything fancy...A while back, I was surfing the net...tend to do that a lot...and saw this. I thought that it would look great as an Eater decoration if I made the flowers smaller. So, I did! And here's the result:

I made these exactly as the tutorial said but with a shorter steel wire.
Lots of little button flowers in Spring colours!

Chickens in a bowl, but don't worry I won't eat them:)

Tuesday, March 27

Ceramic Tuesday

This Monday I didn't have anything finished with me home but I can show you what I'm working on at the moment. I made two new light holders like the other one from last Tuesday.
The two new light holders are also not going to have a colour just a smooth shiny finishing. I also made some new ceramic beads and leafs to have in a necklace, I painted the beads in gold colour and the leafs in a dark green. It's exciting to see how they turn out!
I the last minute yesterday, just before we where leaving I made a duck pond! Or I had been working on a big dish all night and didn't know what I should make out of it and it looked kind of boring. So, I made the shape of a little bird out of some clay and put the bird onto the dish. Next time I'm painting the bottom of the "pond" in a new turquoise colour, then we'll see if the birds will come and have a bath with my fake bird!

I'm doing two more of my Pippi pages and sending them to Mexico! This creative gal and I are making a private swap and I got to choose two of her lovely ATC- cards with the motif of Frida Kahlo, this one and this one! I love Frida and I love Molines work! Go over to her flickr and have a look!
Have a nice day!

Sunday, March 25

From sad woods too Pippi!

It took me a long time come up with a Swedish theme for the around the world swap that I'm in.
I finished them today and I'm sending them off tomorrow, but that is how I usually work. Always in the last minute!
I had about 4-5 week to come up with five pages and from the beginning I thought of the Swedish nature, snow and old hand embroidered tapestries. But that was a bit far fetched and probably hard for a non Swede to understand. The fact that Spring is here made me want to do something more happy and colourful. So, when a friend talked about making a Pippi sweater for her daughter. I thought everyone knows Pippi! So, I changed the theme to Pippi Longstocking!
I loved her as a child and in many ways I'm still that child...

I used magazines from this winter for inspiration. This is a pretty "Swedish" picture and with that as inspiration...
...I made this page. I kind of like it but it feels like winter, depressing and sad and I wanted to make something happy!
So, I made this! A colourful Pippi apron on a graphic IKEA- fabric with a pic of Pippi and her horse.
Here they all are! They are being sent off to Los Angeles USA, Canada, Pasadena USA,
New Zealand and McKinney USA!

Wednesday, March 21

The tea party continues!

As an afternoon snack I'm having apple slices and rhubarb tea in gigantic cup! I would also like to share a couple of pages of my inspiration book that fits the theme of today. Recipes of lovely cookies and other goodies but since most of them are in Danish or Swedish I'll have to give you the recipes a day when I have baked them myself so that I cane show how you make them.
In Danish they are called Napoleons hats and potato cake...and they are a bit difficult to make yourself....but I could buy them;-)
Here are a place to get inspiration to make a tea cosy, I mingled with her at the tea party!
Now I'm off to mingle some more!

Here I'm having tea with Kari! ;-)
To fit the pictures into one page in my book I folded the text like an accordion so that you just can fold the recipe out when ever you are using it.
It's almost enough to just look at the, I think I'll have to make some! ;)
Tea party in honour of Spring!

It's spring and I'm invited to a tea party over at ArtsyMama!(Clickon the name) This is a really fun idea she came up with, everyone how wants to join in has to blog about something tea related on their own blog and then post a comment on her blog. That way you can go over to her blog and see all the wonderful things she has prepared for her guests and see other bloggers. This is a good way to get to know other bloggers and see what they are up to. This is going to go on all day so keep coming back, I'll post more things today!

In honour of Spring and that I knew that people would come over and have a sneak peek, I did some spring cleaning out side on my balcony. I cleaned the furniture and the windows and planted seeds in pots and made the balcony into a place where you would want to stay.
My mother came over with some raspberry danish and we had our first cup of tea outside in the spring sun!
The bag that the danish came in. So cute, I think I'll use it for something!
Tea and raspberry danish!
Spring cleaning...
Since tea is my number one drink and this is early morning still, I'll be back later to day with more tea related posts. But in mean time, you can again go over to ArtsyMama and see what she is up to!!

Tuesday, March 20

Ceramic Tuesday

As usual on Tuesdays I'll show you what have made in my ceramic course on Monday. This time I have my first flowerpot with me and a light holder.
Lately I have been throwing (this is apparently the English word for it!) clay, sitting at the potter's wheel and making crooked pots and plates and even a small jug to carry milk. It's fun and therapeutic! Just looking at the spinning lump of clay and how I'm making something with my hands that can be used as an everyday article , not only for decoration. It makes me poetic and philosophic and makes me think that I should have been a potter instead of a teacher.
The objects that I took with me home yesterday are not thrown, hopefully I'll see them next Tuesday. I have also signed up for a summer course in ceramic and then we'll go out on exhibitions and look at professional potterer and their work. Fun!

I'll make more pots so that when spring comes for real I'll have lots of beautiful pots to plant seeds in!

Monday, March 19

I shouldn't have done it...

I know I said that I wasn't supposed to be apart of the consuming culture we live in but a friend sent me this and I just had to try it! :( I have no will power...
This is a Swedish page that sell beads and other stuff for jewellery making. I have been looking for a site that sell just that but for reasonable prizes. So, I bought some semi-precious stones and metal pieces delivered right into my home in less than 3 days! I'm impressed but I guess that if you order more that I did, you have to pick it up at the post-office.

Here are the bracelet I made out of tiger's eye.
One of many bracelets I made...
Here are all the things I order and only for 107 SEK

Friday, March 16

This and That

On request from Hanna :) and that I don't have anything to show you at the moment, I'll show you some pages from my inspiration book.
When I should be doing things for Uni I have instead been surfing the net and now I have entered my name in a Spring drawing at her blog. I'm hoping to win her Art doll Maj! But I also like her softy cats...heck, I like most things she is making!:)

If you look closely at the girl, I have been thinking of making those hair pins with buttons.It should be fairly easy to make.
This is the first day of my life and exhibition I saw in Malmö on Wednesday. It was thought provoking and I had to make something when I came home...
Flowers in pink, this page is suiting for the lovely spring weather we have now!
This was a little of everything,
Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, March 14

Some eye candy for you

Here's my little helper, Emil, when I was making the chunky book at my mothers. He helped me by throwing paper scraps on the floor and playing with my ribbons. He is so cute and I can't be mad at him?!

Even though I should be doing other things... I have found some really good links for you to visit.
For a while now, I have been thinking of using my crafting for a better cause, just by not consuming anything for a while would be a step in the right direction. On that note I have found this new blog Sew green, it has just started so if you want to follow a blog in the making and one that is already famous (Everyone is blogging about it now) Go and see this!
If you are Swedish and want to read a blog in Swedish go over and visit Jenny at Skaparhyllan. In her blog she creates beautiful things out of second hand stuff and she has a really good eye for design. She has also lately been talking about buying fair trade products, which I think is really good. I still have some other links to show you, but first I have to have time to check them out...

I finished my chunky book!

I finished the chunky book and it now has five pages in total. I mostly used papers in all forms and buttons in the pages (you know that I love my buttons:) I tried to assembly the papers by sewing ether by hand or machine. For the small details I used my glue gun! Finally, I sewed the pages together with paper sting which is probably the simplest way of doing it. You can also use metal rings or even go to a professional binder. It's all up to you.
I like that I have made the whole thing from scratch now all that's missing is someone reading it besides me and J! :-)

A chunky book about a duck!
The first page in the book
The front cover
(click at the pictures to see them in larger format)

Tuesday, March 13

New ceramic works

Monday nights are ceramic crafting nights. These are some things that I made at the same time as the others but these took a little longer. I did something wrong but as we all know, mistakes can some times lead too new discoveries! The colour was not as strong as I had expected but now they look more "back to nature-ish".

I used a rolling pin to make the clay smooth and thin, then I made the angels with a Christmas cookie mould. Now I can have a angel around my neck...:)
White leaf necklace
Green leaf necklace
Here they all are!

Spring is in the air!!

It feel like spring is here for real now, the air is warm and the sun is shining. It's inspiring!
Went out for a walk in the neighbourhood and saw spring flowers, the colours are so inspiring. When I got home again I decided to design a pattern for a spring sweater in the same green colours as the flower petals (also the only yarn I had at home). In two shades of green cotton yarn and a 100% wool yarn in a mustard yellow-green. This is going to be fun, see if I'll like the end result...

I was also so inspired that I took my inspiration book with me out on the balcony and painted:-)
Here's how I want the sweater to look when it's finished.
Snödroppar; directly translated as snow drops; a Swedish spring flower.
Krokus, another Swedish spring flower, but I guess that other countries have this as well.
Happy Spring day!

Monday, March 12

Sushi is art too

This is the home made sushi I made for my family on Saturday. I had to take a picture, it just looked so appealing to the eye. After the picture was taken I ate them all! ;-)

Colourful Swedish and home made sushi
Mmmm! ;-)

My first chunky book

At the moment I'm in a new swap at flickr. This time the theme is to make a chunky book.
I didn't know anything about this before but it means that we are going to do paper collages pages and then put the pages together to a book. Hence the name chunky book...
The group is called Around the world swap which means that that pages have to reflect something from your own country. And it's here that my imagination is blocked!
What is Swedish?

So, instead of making pages for my swap I did a chunky book about a duck gong to the beach.
I found that it was really interesting to create a story without a text and only using the universal language of pictures!

The book isn't finished yet, so I'll have to show you the finished product in a couple of days!
And please, if you have any ideas for my around the world swap let me know! It has to be finished and sent on march 26...

Have a good day!

Tuesday, March 6

Beautiful things makes me happy happy happy!

I'm a lucky lucky gal!! A very intelligent man in my life gave me this beautiful ring as a gift this morning. I have yearned and glared at it for a long time here but only showed him once!
Her ring came with a lovely little box with a green ribbon and her business card with pictures of her other creations. They will now hang on my fridge.
At the moment her shop is down, but do go over there and pay her a visit!

This is all the extra I go to the box, but go over to her fickr and see the pictures much better!
Here's the much talked about ring!
If I could, would wear it every day!

Sunday, March 4

My new mohair shawl!

When I really should be studying for my lecture tomorrow I have been knitting instead. And now my first mohair shawl is finished! I love the end result! I decided to incorporate glass beads in the second half of the shawl as an glittery element. Maybe, I'll add a ribbon in the edges but I'm nor sure if it's going to be too much...I'll think about it!

Here are a detail view of the shawl with the beads
Look how big it became! It's going to keep me warm the rest of the winter and into the cold spring!
What do you think, would a ribbon be too much?

Saturday, March 3

More flowers!

Here are two ways I used my fabric flower. I knitted a belt and sewed the flower onto it and used two buttons for closing. I also tied the flower on to a elastic ribbon for my hair!

It was hard to take this picture by myself! ;-)
Have a nice weekend!


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