Today I want to show you what a friend, Catrin made. A couple of days ago she sent me some pictures of her crowns made from my tutorial and since she doesn't have her own blog I thought I'd show an other way of doing them. She used a silver coloured steel wire with beads in green, red and orange and mixed them. (Click picture to see it larger) I also included a picture of her necklaces she does, this one she made for one of her colleges. I love the blue beads! It's always inspiring to see others work!

This weekend J is going out of town and I'm spending most of the weekend with my mothers sewing machine;-) Hopefully you'll see the results from that in next week! Moline has opened up her new
esty, go over and see all her lovely creations!
That was all from me this week, have a great weekend!
Those are pretty nifty indeed :)
jättefina sker om jag får säga det själv!! =) Ha det bra!! //Catrin
Klart man får säga det:-)
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