It took me two nights to sew the sweater together and now it's finished! I've been wearing it all afternoon to see how it feels and it feels good! I'm proud of myself for doing almost exactly as the pattern told me to:-) I should have made the arms a little longer but one the other hand I like 3/4 arms:-)
This is the book I've been using. Sorry, this is mostly for those of you how are Swedish. Detta är en rikitgt bra stickbok for både dem som har stickat länge men också för dem som är nybörjare (som jag). Om man vill köpa den går det att hitta den på
Bokus för en billig peng! Här finns också massor av mönster till halsdukar, handledsvärmare och mössor!
Here's a bad picture of me wearing the sweater:-) Hi!
So here it is! what do you think about a ribbon sewn on the edges of the sleeves and body? I do no, just feel like embellishing it a bit!:-)
Tonight a friend's coming over and we are going to knit all night, YAY!
Have a good weekend!
den är jättefin! jag är också sugen på att sticka den tröjan (har samma bok), men det får vänta till senare.
It really turned out perfect! I which I could knit now, I already found I was awful at crocheting- everything ends up into a circle with me, I wonder what my knitting would turn into? Did you learn from a book?
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