I have decided to join in
ArtsyMamas Everyday notions challenge and in the latest notion she talked about emptying or making room for something new in our lives. This was a notions that spoke to me in many ways. We live in a very small apartment and a crafting stash is something that is constantly growing:-) In order for me to justify a new purchase I have to ether throw something out or give it away before I bring something new into the apartment. Making room and emptying out old stuff also enables you to create new and to find the inspiration for new things. So, I reorganized my little crafting area and made room on my desk! This gave me so many new possibilities and new energy for crafting!
Here are some before and after pictures:

I did the cleaning this morning and I have to confess that now the area looks crowded again:-) But a crafty mess is a good mess, right?
Hello! So glad you're joining in this challenge. Your organization looks fabulous. Nice work!! Hope it frees up some energy for your crafting.
Good for you! Your crafting area looks wonderful. I can't tell you how much better I felt after I cleaned up my studio. And suddenly I could be more creative :)
Hej du! Nu gäller det bara att du kan hålla det så snyggt!! =) jag tycker inte att det är så lätt men det stämmer att man får mer ideér om man har städat och börjar om på en ny kula så att säga!! Lycka till!! //Catrin
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