Monday, June 11

Going away!

I'm going away for a couple of days. Into the Swedish woods I go in the company of some old and new friend from Sweden and Spain. Maybe I'll even fresh up my Spanish!? Anyway, that means that there will be no Ceramic Tuesday but a Ceramic Thursday instead.
And, No I haven't forgot about the promised give- away, I'm just preparing for it. The first step is that I now have an e- mail address. So, if you feel like writing to me but not in the comment section you can write to me here: niftycrafting [at] gmail [dot] com

If you have nothing to do, go over here and do a quiz. I did the artist or ape- quiz and to 100% but then I have studied art history and especially these artists...

Be sure to stay tuned:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it!


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