I love everything the has to do with beautiful jewellery whether I make them myself or I buy it from someone else. In my search for more places to buy jewellery internet has been a great help. Here are two of my favourites that I go to regularly, Pilgrim is a Danish company that I discovered years ago and now they are really big here in Sweden. It's feminine jewellery that never goes out of style, I think. And a piece of jewellery from them are always on my wish list!;-) Now lately I also discovered a less famous designer is Abigail A. Percy she has a small shop online and sell the most extraordinary pieces of art! For my birthday next week I would love to have this ring. Go and have a look at her flickr as well!! :-)
Clothes, are also something that I like, clothes that have something extra and another Danish company has captured my interest here Noa noa. I like the vintage look of the new clothes and even the season catalogue that comes out each season is enough for giving me inspiration in what to wear! This is also on my wish list;-)
At the moment I go to a ceramics course on Monday nights and I love it! But sometimes I have to have some kind of inspiration on what to make, so that I don't feel that I'm wasting my time there. Also this time a Danish designer has inspired me they are called Casalinga.
They make both jewellery and kitchen china in light pastel colours with small details on. They have a shop in Copenhagen so if you're ever in Copenhagen and want to buy something handmade and beautiful, go there! And I have taken some of there ideas and made them in my course, hope that is OK with them...well, I'm not going to sell it and it's not even as good as their work...I'll post a picture of that soon too.
Last but not least, there is a really good illustrator, Ana, that has a blog but it's in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish but I love to go there and look at her pictures and guess what she is writing;-) Go there you to!
Ok, hope that this hasn't been to boring to read and that you will go and visit some of these sites. Have a great weekend and happy crafting!
Vi verkar ha rätt samma smak :-)
Vad roligt att du tycker det! Jag har nämligen läst din blog regelbundet den senaste tiden och gillar mycket av det du gör!Speciellt dina senaste flickrbilder! helt otroliga!
Thank you so much for the sweet mention..I am delighted to hear you like the work :)
..happy birthday for next week too! xox
Hej cecilia!
Vad fina saker du gör. kul att du också gillar att pyssla för det gör jag med. Idag ska jag göra om lite hemma med mysiga ljusstakar som jag ska pynta lite fint. Ha det så bra tills vi ses nästa gång!
Kramar från Catrin Seerbe!
Hej Catrin!
Vad roligt att du också har hittat hit!
Lycka till med ditt pysslande, hoppas att du blir nöjd!
Ha det bra tills vi ses igen!
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