Today is a national holiday and both me and J are free from school and work! This meant cleaning the apartment ;-( and making lunch from scratch:-). Is this signs on us getting older and more mature? Let's not hope so!
On a request from a dear friend I'm going to show you what you can use the crowns that I'm working on for.

This little mini crown I used as a cute embellishment on a gift, you could also decorate it with beads in a matching colour.

Theses two are going to be gifts for my mother. I made these crowns in another model that's easier to make.

I first made the circle and from it I attached six equally long "pegs" and then I just joined the pegs in the top. After the frame is made I decorated it with pearls in different colours.
If someone would be interested, I could put a tutorial together?
Have a good day!
The crowns are just lovely! I tried to do something similar once but they were`nt even close to your`s. They are BEAUTIFUL! Your blog made me want to try again...
I liked your blog and will come back soon!
I am just loving those crowns! they are so cute.
Jag håller verkligen med ovanstående kommentarer!! De är verkligen JÄTTEFINA!!! du får mer än gärna göra en närmare beeskrivning på hur du gör, det vill nog fler?! =) Jag vet i alla fall vad jag ska göra när den beskrivningen kommer. Samt jag vet absolut vad jag ska hänga på mina paket framöver!! Kanske till mors dag?? Had et fint!! //Catrin
Jag behöver gå en kurs hos dig om hur man gör kronorna... försökte göra lite igår men det gick inte alls som jag tänkt, det var MYCKET svårare än jag trodde!!!
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